The Plan C Abortion Clinic Guide

Abortion Clinics near Mobile, AL

This abortion clinic guide offers up-to-date information about:

  1. Abortion clinics near Mobile

  2. Alabama abortion support resources

  3. How to order abortion pills by mail in AL

People in Mobile, AL are accessing local abortion clinics, online abortion pill options, and financial assistance from abortion support resources. Plan C shares reliable information that empowers people to make an informed choice that’s best for them.

Abortion Clinics near Mobile, AL



Abortion Clinics Near Mobile, Alabama

There are currently 90 abortion clinics open near Mobile, Alabama in these 3 nearby states: Georgia, Illinois, and Florida. This guide will help you find an open abortion clinic near Alabama to meet your healthcare needs. Some locations may have limited availability so call the clinics to find out if they are able to meet your needs.

You can also find information about Alabama abortion clinics here:



How to get abortion pills in Alabama

How to get abortion pills in Alabama

People are getting abortion pills in Alabama by mail and having medically-safe abortions at home by using these resources:

To learn about the potential legal risks of accessing pills through alternative suppliers: Read our FAQ. To discuss your specific situation, contact the free, confidential Repro Legal Helpline online or at 844-868-2812.